Do you know what a rootwad is? In case you don't...
Rootwad (noun) : a mass of tangled roots
And if you need more context, a rootwad is a bunch of roots (or a fallen tree) that is usually found along the banks of a river or in the middle of it. It had never occurred to me that some people may not use the word "rootwad," until this 4th of July when I learned that my Uncle Scott, before marrying my Aunt Jo, had no clue what a rootwad was. So in case you aren't from the Ozarks and were not familiar with the word, there is your vocabulary lesson for the day! And my family has always used this word, the phrase "Watch out for that rootwad!" is basically our motto while floating down the Jacks Fork River in Eminence, Missouri!
Eminence is a beautiful, tiny little town in the Ozarks where my mom grew up. When we can, the whole family loves to go back and float the freezing cold river and that is what we did for this 4th of July! Aside from tubing, I had my first adventure in a canoe this year when we canoed down Sinkin' Creek. I was a little bit skeptical about a canoe because they tip over easily - but luckily I stayed afloat in my canoe (I guess I'm more "graceful" at canoeing than I am at paddle boarding!) with my Uncle Scott and cousin, Rheya, and we had plenty of laughs watching my Uncle Bill and Aunt Julie tip over a few times! Good times!
Part of our river floatin' crew! |
"Watch out for that rootwad!" |
My crazy aunt Julie & I getting ready to canoe Sinkin' Creek! |
My Papa loving his day back on the river! |
Rheya catching tadpoles! |
Our tadpoles! :) |
In the evenings we enjoyed a game or two of Farkel! If you haven't ever played, you should! It is a fun dice game and I happen to be a very talented Farkel player!...or maybe it was just beginner's luck! |
We also played Chubby Bunny...the object of the game is to see how many marshmallows you can stuff in your mouth and still say Chubby Bunny! ...However a photo shoot during this game does not result in the most flattering of photos... |
Roasting marshmallows for s'mores! Cause everyone needs a s'more or two on the 4th of July! :) |
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